Every You, Every Me - David Levithan

Evan is haunted by the loss of his best friend, but when mysterious photographs start appearing, he begins to fall apart as he starts to wonder if she has returned, seeking vengeance.

Heartbreaking and hauntingly beautiful!

From the first chapter I read of this book I knew I was in for a treat. David Levithan's writing is so intense and full of emotion that you can't help but to be wrapped in and feel what the other characters are feeling. The characters were stunningly written, particularly Evan and Jack. Even Ariel is written as a character even though she never spoke one word.

Levithan is a wonderful author and so clever. I found the collaboration between him and Jonathon Farmer so amazing - neither of them had any idea what the other was doing until they saw the actual photograph. How in the heck did they do that?! Evan's grittiness and torgtured soul made me want to cry for him.

Amazing book, a total favorite!



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